Comics by T.Leal

Comic strips:
The delivery chroniclesOvernight hungerIn the heart of wetlandsThe pains of being late at night
Timeline of insomniaA priceless piece of adviceSleepy at workplaceThe day the coffee ran out in the office
MigraineCyberpunk careThere is no (other!) spoonTGIFSundaysCan't break the fourth wall
GrindcoreUp, up and... oops! A little too much!The pessimist chroniclesHot hot hot
Hole-heartedThe price of being all nice guyThe disappearing boySelfie-esteem
The hard way into NirvanaUnstoppablePARTYBOY!Victoria Amazonica
The return of the space cowboyA priceless piece of adviceOne last call for alcoholSt. Patrick's '18
Electronica?From the wormholeProgrammed obsolescenceThe coming of age
The infinite drawer • Winter Paralympics '18PainfulDream interpretation

Ramen Comics
Role Players
Single Father & Little Bean

Instagram: thiagocaleal

T.Leal em português